Tag Archives: super driver

Insight Vacations Trip Through Spain and Portugal

We are coming to the end of this segment of our vacation and I would be remiss if I didn’t comment on what we received, where we went and how we were treated.

We have been on the road now for two weeks with this company. We have a wonderful, careful, pleasant young driver from Portugal we call Joel. Sorry ladies, as handsome as he is, he has a girlfriend. A wonderful gentleman.

We have received with great passion more history on the different areas we have been to; hints about shopping, foods to try or avoid as the case may be, and always with a smile, cute joke or assistance from our wonderful guide, Elena. This lady had a monumental task ahead of her when we first met.

For example, she has to advise (warn?) the various hotels we will be staying in, trying to please 39 passengers from different parts of the world with foods, places to go to, assistance and understanding for those who may require it.

Through it all, we were plied with information, pictures of historic people, events and architecture, finding lost or late passengers and keeping a schedule. Elena does all this and more, and truly is a gem in the Insight diadem.

Did we have an easy time booking this vacation? Absolutely.

We asked them to book our airflights, advising them who we preferred . Insight to the rescue, again.

The biggest question people ask us is; would we travel with them again? Absolutely with great haste. There is no better way to travel and see new places, things and a history lesson as well. Fascinating.

We began as 39 strangers and we end as 39 friends.


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