Tag Archives: food was 50/50 for two orders

Browns Social House, Nanaimo

We had a few errands to do and Don said he would like to take me to lunch. So, as we are driving he says “we haven’t been here for a while” let’s go in.

We are met at the door by a lovely young lady and she asks us to follow her. This we do. When she stops to show us the table we get, Don starts to laugh. In all the visits to this restaurant, this is the same table. IĀ told her we should have our name on it. She thought this was pretty cool.

A very nice and pleasant young gentleman, Corbin, comes over and takes our beverage order and returns a few moments later and takes our lunch order.

I order the stuffed French toast and Don ordered the bacon Benny. Well, here comes the big surprise. people in all the tables/booths around us all stopped what they were doing to look at what I had ordered. I could not believe it. It was freaking HUGE. A lady and her daughter told us the next time they come here they will order it and share.

Don’s order was…..a little less impressive. The hollandaise sauce was almost not there, the bacon was way over done and the potatoes were huge pieces of over-cooked and dried out potatoes. He was not too pleased.

We ate what we could and I brought half of mine home for later. I suggested to Corbin that he should warn people about the size of the French toast and he just laughed and said it really was epic.

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