Cafe Du Monde, New Orleans

I am not sure what the most iconic thing to go to or visit is -this Cafe or listen to Jazz all over this City, but if you have never been here before, or are making your thousandth visit, make sure you go (again).

Icing sugar alone would keep this City afloat economically. It is on the floor, chairs, tables, and of course, piled high on the 3 gorgeous Beignets and, of course, their Cafe au Lait. Be warned you should not wear black clothing. You might possibly leave this cafe looking like a dalmatian dog.

Hundreds and hundreds of people go through here by the hour. The line up can be a block long and that is just to sit down at a table. There is another line up for the ‘to go’ customers but somehow hot Beignets with icing sugar in a paper bag is not cool.

We laugh about this special place, but it is one for sure.

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Last Full Day In New Orleans

What a ride this week has been. Our love of this City knows no bounds with a wonderful mix of all the different cultures, architectures, history of when it began, lost and wars won over claims of ownership by various countries and how it has all melded together.

It is a very laid back way of life and you really have to be here to truly understand that statement. We have walked our legs off going from store to store and eatery to eatery. We have snacked, dined and simply had an ice cold soda to make it a little easier to continue on.

Now, we have laundry to do, repack our suitcases, and simply make sure our memory banks will remember all whom we have met, talked to, shared experiences with and hopefully and prayerfully will be in good health to once again come to this City of life.

Thanks New Orleans, we do love coming here.


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