Days 6,7 and 8

Sometimes, when on a fabulous vacation, you just get to being a tad lazy. GUILTY. Friday was a special day. We drove across to Costco did a little (??) shopping, shared a hot dog for lunch and casually drove home.

Saturday we had a whole different day. We left the house at 7 a.m. as Don had an appointment at the Clinic and then headed off to the Swap Meet.We met up with Anacel, Oh Goodies Bakery and bought our supply for the week. She even remembered us. Note:  by the way, she is also a Realtor. Anacel has been baking for the Swap Meet for 25 years this year.

We found the Chow Fun I was so looking forward to, but the owners are different and it was worse that glue. So sad, as I was really looking forward to having some.

We left the market and headed to the Queen Kaahumanu Shopping Center and were we ever in for a delightful couple of hours. They had on the center stage, a ukulele show with various groups from school children to the seniors and and outstanding groups with their dancers, singers and ukulele groups. This, my friends, was not boring but totally captivating and we were so happy we were here on the right day. Also, tomorrow is the Queen’s birthday as well as Rememberance Day. She was a well loved Queen to Hawaiians.

The leader of one of the groups told us that the lessons for hula they put on each week swells to about 200 people now and if they did not keep teaching the language and customs, they would be lost forever. What a shame.

We then shared a light lunch at the Food Court and headed home. What a day!

Sunday was special for me. We went to the little church in Makena and met again with Rev. Alika. What a truly delightful man with a wicked sense of humor and so funny. He is so humble yet so atuned to what is happening in the world, he is not afraid to tell all to his congregation.

We got a wonderful history of the outstanding and heroic Hawaiian  Queen and her tragic life of standing tall for the rights and lives of her people.

After Church we decided to stay on this half of the Island and drove out to Makawao, a historic town. Well, in two years it has changed sooooo much. The famous bakery is closed down as the family did not want to keep it running after the ‘parents’ retired. The Italian restaurant across the street is no longer there and so we headed off to Pai’a.

Pai’a is a thriving town for surfers especially. By that I mean the younger group. The shops are pretty neat and we found a couple of things to add to the Christmas stockings of the two ‘kids’ coming out for an early Christmas with the old folks. We will not see these two at Christmas time and haven’t for years so this is our chance to spoil them a little.

We, again, shared a bite to eat at a little Mexican Restaurant called Milagros Food Co. It is small and super busy on a Sunday early afternoon. We shared a couple of Taquito’s and an enchilado before heading back across the Island to Kihei.

What a wonderful, super day again. Thank you Don for such a great holiday.  Tomorrow is another day and by the looks of the laundry baskets, I guess I know what I will be doing.

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Thursday-Day 5

It did not start out very well. We had to attend a meeting with our time  share and move out as well. Okay, these two Seniors had two big suitcases, 2 carry-on bags, 8 bags of groceries and stuff to haul down three floors. Of course there was not a cart anywhere to help us. It took us a while and then we stored everything in the locked cupboards here to be picked up later when we move in to the next place .

After going to get blood tests (regular thing) we decided to go towards Lahaina to Leoda’s Kitchen and Pie Shop and ordered a mushroom cheese burger (to share) and a Lime tart (to share). YUM! We still had time to waste, so we drove through Lahaina and man oh man has it changed. We were afraid that a certain restaurant was gone (Fleetwood’s) but it is still there. Then we headed back to gather up our belongings and move to the next place.

By the way…driving down the highway with the hair ‘flowing’ in the wind is breathtaking, alternating, of course, with my sun hat. What a ride!

What a husband I have and am so thankful for. This could not have happened without him. Oh yeah and for your info, we were so tired yesterday we were in bed by about 8:30 ish. Okay, we will get better.

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