Paint and Sip, Kihei

December 13, 2019


The real name is Island Art Party

Back in November when son, Trevor, was with us in Maui we went to the “Paint and Sip” evening. We arrived early and were seated while we waited for the other people to arrive. In comes 8 women who belong (they say) to a Book Club. One of the girls said this was the girls night out, kiddies and husbands were at home. Let the fun begin! It really did begin, it did.

There is a bar and you can order whatever you want to consume…be it with or without alcohol. The music is loud and fun. Neil Diamond and Elvis Presley to the forefront. These girls sang every word and danced while painting. Our instructor was having a blast as well.

Now…Neither Don, Trevor or myself have ever held a small paint brush in our hands. Walls and patios don’t count. Our instructor had picked the subject matter for the night and it was painting Koa fish. Nervous? You bet. Was it fun?


Trevor painted his fish on a turtle base (easy to put in suitcase) and Don and I opted for the canvas. I highly recommend this. It is in Kihei in the Azeka Mall.

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VRBO -Kihei Garden Estates

December 10, 2019

Kihei Garden Estates, Condo #202

VRBO Property 3662144ha


I am so darn tired of condo owners in Maui lying about what they have to offer (especially in Kihei) I am about ready to explode. In all our years of travelling to Maui, we have had one owner who was dead on and the rest should be reported to the VRBO, especially this last one.

The pictures are beautiful and who wouldn’t want to go there….well, if you wish to walk a block or more to actually get to the water you are good. You only see two streets of condos in your way of viewing anything but your neighbours.

Let me explain and I will start from the outside in. We should have realized when booking the 2nd floor there just might NOT be an elevator but did not expect 15 very steep stairs to get to the front door. Very difficult for two 76 year old seniors trying to get heavy luggage up or down. (Will explain later).

The lanai is an absolute disgrace. I don’t think the owners have been here in years and I am not kidding. The carpet has never, ever been cleaned. The building is more than 20 years old. The furniture has rusted out completely. The table and chairs are not conducive to eating without being sort of sick. A can of rustoleum paint could do wonders here. New cushions would also be a great plan. These are worn and dirty from years of use and the door frame is chipped and badly could do with a coat of paint.

The furniture in the living room is very old and worn out. The bamboo is all worn out on the arms and the two chairs that are also there could do with a pick me up. I forgot to mention the carpet in the living room had to have a book set on the corner as it curled up about 3 inches and we tripped on it a few times. Also the top level of blinds could never be opened (or cleaned for that matter) and the ones on the patio door could not be opened fully before they jammed up.

The kitchen is unbelievable. The toaster, for example probably cost 99 cents at a market of some kind. It looks like a toy and does not toast anything . The knife drawer is more than an accident waiting to happen. About 50 knives of all kinds thrown in together and all are so dull. Don sharpened some of them so we could even cut a tomato.

When I opened the fridge, I had to throw out 18, yes 18, jars and bottles that held two drops of this and that. We don’t know how long they were around but we were not taking any chances. This speaks to their cleaning lady for sure.

The walls and basebaords have not been cleaned in an extremely long time. We pay cleaning for what? The bedding is extremely doubtful as to when it is ever washed, especially the duvet. The pillows are so very old they are useless.


One night, I was awakened in a hurry and jumped out of bed. Because their bed was shoved about 6-8 inches from the bed to the closet door you had to slither out and not walk straight out. I jumped up, hit the wall and fell like a board onto the cement floor. My arms didn’t even go out to stop the crash that was about to happen, it was so fast. I knocked myself out and Don had to wake our son up to help me get up. I ended up with a few bruises and even now, more than a month later, I still have what my family calls, the” third eyebrow” bruise on my left forehead.

In the write up on line there is no mention of a washer and dryer, but when you read their book inside the condo, they tell you where it is. When you open the door, it is duct taped shut. When we called the manager on site, she said and I quote “there is not another washer/dryer on the Island and we are waiting for it to come in”. Don talked to the owner and he said they have never had one that worked. It costs 1.25 per load each for washer and dryer downstairs. For goodness sake, take them out and make it a proper closet and update your little booklet.

For goodness sake, come back to your condo and fix it up.

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