What Is Happening In Our World?

The news has been horrific for about 6 months (years before, but this is about the most recent hate crimes.

We live in a country where, and I am sure it does exist, but has never shown its truly ugly head before. Can you really believe this is what Canada and Canadians are all about? I can’t and I have lived in this country a long time.

Throwing a 90+ year old man out of a building to the ground outside or kicking the leg out from under of an elderly woman with a walker all because they were Asian. Explain please. Did that gentleman do something to you? Or the woman? Or for that matter anyone who happens to be born Asian? Come on people.

This morning on the news…man down East was attacked all because he is a man of colour. Now, I ask you…did he plant his knee on the neck of a man and killed him or one of the other 4 officers who stood there with their thumbs up their bums? NO. Stop it.

We are not in a Country where life stems only on the colour of your skin. Look at their leader. He promotes hatred 24/7. He is a worm without a conscience, a working brain, or a mouth that can only spew crap. We are not that. We can’t be.

Growing up in Calgary, our neighbors were Japanese and told us that during the war they lost all their farmland and were put into camps. That cannot happen again. It breaks my heart to see neighbor turn on neighbor or families split because of thoughtless attitudes.

Stand up Canada and keep our minds clear and use our mouths only to ask if we can do something to help others and our hearts open. We need this and our country needs this.We still must pray for guidance and strenegth.

Also, domestic violence has risen. Sorry, but I went through this crap and can tell you if a man starts beating his spouse and blames the virus isolation, he is a liar. He was beating her before that happened. We don’t need excuses we need to man up and keep moving for a better time and place.


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Life Taking A New Turn

This year (2020) is a year of many changes where we must adhere to even though it is difficult to do. For example and understand from the start, I am not bragging but simply showing you how our lives changed almost instantly.

Back in February, our daughter came out here for an interview with a large company and was successful in being hired. She did this due to the fact one of her jobs was shut down when the Covid virus was shutting all public arenas down. She went back home and packed up all her belongings and drove out here only to hear, halfway here, this new job was on hold until the virus is checked.

Okay, now  here is where life changes. She has always worked 2 or 3 jos to stay afloat (low wages are the cause) and now it stopped. So she took upon herself to clean and change around our little deck and then we have another area we had set up as our ‘deck’. We moved the van out, took all the furniture out. Washed the walls down, swept the floor and then she proceeded to re-arrange …..3 different times, all the furniture.

Off to the dollar store and she picks up seeds, little starter kits and plants lettuce, chives, dill, thyme and a few other herbs. Not good enough then she is off to the store with me in tow and we pick up tomato plants (3 kinds) 8 plants in total; green and yellow bell pepper plants, soil and compost bags and many flowering plants. When we get home, she begins the planting. She does all this without being asked. We never knew she was a gardner at heart.

The neighbors are all thanking us for the pretty display set out and I know she is pretty proud of everything she has done.

Okay now the pacing begins and she goes downstairs into a storage room and cleans up, rearranges everything and it is like a new room. We could not have done this ourselves due to health issues and aging. We could not have handled any of the moving shelves, heavy lifting etc.

Now she is all set to go into the workroom and is re-arranging that one. If this virus isolating continues we will have to rent her out so if you need any purging done……just kidding!

She is also cooking a few dinners, making lunches and we will never be the same if she moves out when her job becomes a reality.

I have not had the pleasure of her living close for 30 years and only being able to see her at least once a year at best. I am so very proud of how she has grown up, takes on life with gusto and adapts to the situation in such a positive way.

Her skill set is amazing and I say this as a parent because we really did not know all that she was doing, other than working 17 hour days.

We are so proud of her, the situation as it stands and how our lives have become so close.  We joke that we are all still breathing but it has been a lot of giggles, learning to cope and understand each one’s ways and means. My mom always said mother and daughter should never live together as each one has their own ways, but give it a few weeks and it works for the most part.

You should see how she packed up one freezer compartment in a fridge downstairs and a small apt sized freezer. She is a master. We did a Costco run and my husband said buy two of everything such as meat, poultry, lamb, chicken, seafood, fish. I did and when he had portioned them all off, we think we have enough meat until September. No lies.

I love these new changes and appreciate all we have.

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