Shame On The “Princess”

How dare the ‘princess’ in Vancouver complain about her sad plight. Let’s see….she lives in extreme comfort – $15 million home, servants, nice warm, comfy bed to sleep in, great meals at her whim, the ability to see and talk with family and guards to watch over her all the time. We also brought family to come over and stay with her.

On the other side of the world they are holding, in retaliation, two Canadians who are placed in two separate jails, meals ???, sleeping on cots, abuse from the guardsĀ  and, until this past week, no contact with family.

She thinks she is hard done by….GROW UP YOUNG LADY. We got hosed into this via MR. t in the south and we allow you all the comforts imaginable. Time to get off your self imposed throne and show some empathy.

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Cranberry Pub, Cedar, Vancouver Island

The pandemic has taken its toll for sure on people, their mindset and trying to continually cope with the world as it now is. Well, after cleaning our carport deck with power washing everything, getting rid of yard stuff, carpet pieces etc. at the recycling centre I opted to treat us all to lunch.

This is a treat as we have not been in a restaurant for ages and we had never been here before, so putting on our face masks, we went in.

It is the perfect neighborhood pub. Quaint in design. TV on every wall and each one with a different sport event. One was hockey, another golf, basketball on another and the fourth wall had car racing. There you go – something for everyone.

We each ordered a beverage and opted for their bacon/cheese burger (for 2 of us) and Don had the chicken strips/fries.

Our server was a delight. She helped us with the menu, what was great and when she was done she exclaimed everything on the menu was great.

She was right. The drinks were good and the food was really hot when it arrived and all was mighty tasty. We will return for sure when life is a little more consistent.

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